Friday, May 7, 2010

Rockwood Hall

One year ago yesterday, I was going for a walk in one of my most favorite places: Rockwood Hall. (This is in the Hudson Valley, in New York, where I used to live.) I love living in the Pacific Northwest again, but there were some lovely parks in NY. I miss them.

This is the path I usually started my walks on. You'd come over a little hill and see the Hudson River and the Palisades.

A long time ago, there was an estate here. Now, only the stone walls and perimeter of the house is visible.

May is a lovely time of year in New York.

So much is blooming!

I used to sit on this bench and watch the river, and the trains coming and going. This little bird must have liked it too. I wonder where he is today...

Another path I frequently strolled.

I love close-ups of plants.

Funny how I used to dream so much about living on the West Coast again. Now that I'm here, it's just as good as I'd hoped for! And yet, I miss those little creeks and the train tracks and the river I used to walk by. But I didn't have Pug then...

And I'm glad I do. Life is better with Pug.