Friday, August 13, 2010

A Pug In Ashland

After our trip to California, we stopped for a little visit to Ashland. It was a hundred degrees or more, so too hot for a pug. We did find a couple places to help cool us off, including Cafe Namaste. We got sorbet, and wow, it was about the best sorbet I've ever had! We got pineapple, orange and coconut (and each sorbet comes in the fruit shell).

This is what the package looks like. I haven't seen these yet at any grocery stores, but they've got to be out there somewhere! I am on the lookout.

Pug enjoyed a little sorbet too.

Coconut and pineapple were my favorite.

Afterward, we took a short walk in one of the few dog-friendly parks in Ashland. (Ashland, what is up with not letting dogs in Lithia Park and most all of your other parks? It is bizzare and not cool!)

Pug had a nice time playing in the water and getting his toes nice and muddy.