I have been wanting to try Townshend's Teahouse for quite some time. I'd heard great things about their tea, and being a tea lover, I had to try it. Can we talk about their signs and the fact that they show a sloth, a cat, and a giraffe enjoying a cup of tea together? And a squirrel drinking bubble tea? So adorable I have no words.
They have many, many different teas and chais to choose from. I decided on the vanilla spice chai. It was quite delish, and it came on one of those newfangled glass teapot warmers.
I also ordered a savory pie filled with mushrooms, cheese and broccoli.
Outside, it was pouring. I love the rain!
Next stop was a 'learn to sew' napkin class at Modern Domestic. I've been wanting to learn to sew, especially after seeing the gorgeous quilts my aunt makes. Maybe I'll get to quilting in 5 or 10 years. For now, simple projects. Here is my spool of thread. I was thrilled that I was able to wind the bobbin.
I used a Janome DC2010 sewing machine. I've been living in the dark ages, I guess, because I had no idea sewing machines were so advanced and smart. You just push a button to choose your stitch. None of this manual labor stuff. Well, except you still have to thread your needle, but that was easy.
We learned how to cut fabric into fat quarters. There were some adorable fabrics that people brought. I liked this plate and spoon pattern especially.
A view downstairs of the store.
Here is my first napkin, wrong sides out, sewn together.
And here it is after I top-stitched it.
First finished napkin! As you can see, I chose two different patterns for a single napkin. It's cuter that way, I think.
Second finished napkin. I still have two to finish this week. Let's hope I don't forget everything I learned in the meantime.
On the way home, I stopped to pick up some pink peonies. I would love to find fabric with peonies or lilacs printed on it. Or pugs!