Pug went as a daffodil. I sewed the bee and ladybug onto his harness.
It was a rainy day and some pugs were wearing their raincoats.
This pug went as a Tootsie Roll.
Here's the costume parade:
Pug loved walking down the catwalk. What pug doesn't? (Speaking of catwalks: pug lovers, make sure to watch the movie Valentino. Pugs + fashion + catwalks=fabulous movie.)
Pug had some serious competition. Here is the winner of Pug Crawl 2010: Helga, the Chia Pug.
And the runner-up: Keiki, Queen of Rosaria.
Another view of the winners...
Pug was exhausted after strutting his stuff on the catwalk. And a little wet from the rain.
Pug didn't mind that he didn't win the costume contest.
What he really wanted was the bee from his costume.
There will be one or two more installments from Pug Crawl 2010 to come on the blog!